Chocolate Rocks!
By holding the chocolate and squeezing it, we were able to create metamorphic rock. Typically by adding heat and pressure, metamorphic rocks have crystals or ribbon-like layers.
Chocolate Rocks!
We have talked about how rocks are formed and by grating milk and white chocolate, we were able tried all three ways!
Sedimentary rocks are formed when layers of sediment are compacted together.
The Rabbits
We have been reading a wonderful book called 'The Rabbits' by John Marsden and Shaun Tan. It has raised lots of moral issues and discussion and as per usual we have added some drama- above is how we imagine the possums would feel when they first catch sight of the rabbis.
Wainwright Workshop
We have had a fantastic morning investigating maps, letters and other historical sources to find out about Alfred Wainwright and have also copied some his maps and sketches. Many thanks to Barrow Archives for a great morning.
Sound Art
Year 4 are working with local artists to create some sound art!
We visited the archives to research a day in the history of Barrow then made up our own story based on the events. On Monday we will be recording our stories.
Our musical
A fab performance from Year 5 in Happy Christmas Tommy. I am so proud of you all. And thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and card. Please see the gallery for more photos.
Miss Stevens xxx
Marvellous Medicine
We added a number of ingredients to make a marvellous medicine - inspired by Roald Dahl's story. Ingredients included baking soda, tomato sauce, jelly crystals, honey, mud, leaves, carrots, salt, vinegar and many more. As you can see, it did have a strange smell...
Happy Christmas Tommy!
Don't forget, our musical about the Christmas truce in the trenches begins at 2:30pm in the hall today.
Nursery rhyme week
Year 1 have been enjoying nursery rhyme week. On Tuesday afternoon we made some rock cakes to go with our rhyme - 5 currant buns. Thursday's rhyme is 'Old King Cole' and Friday's is 'Oranges and Lemons'.
Remember to dress-up year 1 on Friday as a nursery rhyme character!
We have been using classroom objects to print pictures. The choice was a robot, car or house. Which is this?
Remembrance Service
A really lovely remembrance service today outside school. Well done everyone for the beautiful singing.