Work Continues...
Vicky has told the Eco councillors that the foundations are in place. Trenches have been dug which have been filled with concrete. There will be a damp course in with the bricks. On Tuesday they will lay the concrete on the damp course then they will level the playground and dig the drains.…
First week back
Thanks Year 5 for a lovely first week back. You hae worked really hard and we have had fun practicing the musical
History of Barrow
Barrow Archives came to visit to tell us all about the History of Barrow.
we looked at old maps and census records and learnt all about Mining and Shipbuilding and how they helped Barrow grow.
Blog Squad meets Eco Council
Blog squad meet Eco council.
We will be working together to watch the new nursery being built
We threw different objects into our cylinder. The three liquids we used were Sunflower Oil, Water and Honey. Here you can see lentils have already passed through the oil and are on their way down through the water.
making shapes
We have been using spaghetti and play dough to make accurate 2D shapes
Shape Sorting
Year 3 have been looking at shape properties and sorting accordingly. Can you work out where a square would go?
Child line visit
Years 5 and 6 had a visit from Childline today to be followed by workshops next week.
Heron Corn Mill
We have had a lovely day at the Heron Corn Mill and found out all about gears and pulleys.Please see the gallery for more photos.
Pizza Miles
How far does your pizza travel to get to you?
find out in our Harvest Assembly on Friday.