16 June 2015

A Kenning

Year 3 have started to learn about a poem form called a kenning. Can you guess what animal we are describing?

Back Scratcher
Carpet picker
curtain ripper
fur licker

laser chaser
fat thing
mouse eater
sleepy purrer
poo dropper
fish lover

big, small
bird hunter
string chaser

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12 June 2015

Furness Academy

Thank you to all the staff at Furness Academy who made sure we had a brilliant morning. We did some experiments in science, played ball games on the new pitch and worked on our emotions and showing feelings.

Thank you also to Year 5 from me. I had, as always, nothing but wonderful comments…

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12 June 2015

Minecraft Programming

Year 4 are enjoying a minecraft workshop! We know how to program blocks in Minecraft.

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10 June 2015

Story Maps

We have been creating large story maps and walking through our stories. 

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10 June 2015

Academy- Friday

Good morning, just a reminder that we are visiting Furness Academy on Friday morning. Children need to be at school at 8:15. Lunch is provided at the Academy and the children need a full PE kit. 

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3 June 2015

Book Art Project

We are folding unwanted  books to make hedgehogs and bird cages.

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2 June 2015

Our Scarecrow is back!

Mrs Treadwell picked our scarecrow up from Holker. It is now safely in our school garden.

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22 May 2015

The Sun, our biggest light source

Whilst learning about Light and the Sun, we compared the SUn, Earth and Moon (the green ball is the sun btw)

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22 May 2015

The Adventure begins

We're off to Holker to deliver our scarecrow!

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19 May 2015

Stone Age Bread Makers

We have been investigating how the Stone Age hunter - gatherers had to adapt and change their lifestyles when they began to settle and farm in this country. We used stone age tools (stones) to grind oats to make flour. After 45 minutes of grinding oats between 23 people we could probably have made…

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18 May 2015

Holker Hall Here We Come!

Well done Year 4.

We are in the final 5 of the Holker Scarecrow competition and will be going to Holker Hall on Friday to deilver our fantastic scarecrow!

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14 May 2015

Victorian Year 1

We had fun in Year 1 learning all about all about Victorian classrooms. We even managed to be silent for about 2 minutes!! Well done Year 1 for asking lots of great questions!

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