Oliver Twist
Year 5 have been to Dowdales today to see a performance of Oliver Twist. They did a brillaint job and we all really enjoyed it. Well done Dowdales.
Chinese New Year
We have looked at different buildings from Chinese culture as part of looking into Chinese New Year.
The Vikings have landed!
Well done year 5 for a brilliant performance as Vikings in the assembly.
The children are ready to be carted off to the country as part of a nationwide evacuation. The children look unhappy to be leaving their families behind
Treasure Island
We had a fantstic day at Zefirellis in Ambleside, watching a National Theatre production of Treasure Island with Year 5 from Cambridge School. Popcorn and comfy seats! The play was wonderful, we also managed to find a bit of snow, please see the gallery for more photos.
You seem to have a magnetic personality
We have been testing the strength of some magnets by putting pieces of paper between two. How many do you think it was before the magnets were not attracted to each other?
Sounds Great!
Our Sound Art project sounds great. Thanks for working with us John and Kate!
Investigating shadows
We have been investigating shadows this afternoon. We are now waiting for the sun to come back out so we can start measuring and comparing them.
Welcome back Natalie, we have missed you and are all very excited to be back to our Karate training
We have had fun measuring and converting measures this week.
On Monday 12th January 2015 we had our first swimming session. We had a great time swimming and enjoyed playing water games.
Today we started learning about Vikings. We made a huge timeline in the hall using a trundle wheel and placed the Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Tudors and Victorians onto it.