7 September 2015

Welcome Back

Thank you for a lovely first day back. See you in the morning. 

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7 September 2015

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to our new Reception class.We all had big smiles on our first day.

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7 September 2015

Reception making new friends

In Reception we all have a new buddy.We are having fun making lots of new friends.


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17 July 2015

End of year 5

Thank you so much for all the lovely cards, presents and wine. It will all be very well used over the holidays! It has been such a wonderful two years and so full of fun. I will miss you all. Have a lovely summer holiday from Miss Stevens and Mrs Shaw xxx

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15 July 2015

Stone Age Hunters

We have been hunting in the style of Stone Age Man. We followed grazing animals (or children in various headbands) and worked out the best way to catch and spear them. No children were harmed in this activity!!

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15 July 2015

Roller Skating

Some of us spent more time on the floor than actually skating!

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10 July 2015

Blackpool Sealife centre

We had such an amazing time in Blackpool. 


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10 July 2015

Scarecrow Competition

A group of us went to Crooklands Garden Centre to pick up our £250 prize for the scarecrow competition.




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7 July 2015

Stone Age Settlements

We have spent the morning researching Stone Age settlements such as Skara Brae and then used clay to create our own. 

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3 July 2015

Science Awards

We had two visitors today. Miss Wade and Mrs Knagg came to see us from Furness Academy. They were very impressed with Year 5 when they visited and took part in a science lesson and came to present the children with certificates and stickers. Well done Year 5. 

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2 July 2015

Year 1 Sports Day

We had a great sports day on Thursday. All the children loved the races and activities and the sun even continued to shine! Well done Year 1!


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1 July 2015

Year 4 Residential.

We've arrived safely and had a fantastic Day! 10pm and this is the first time we've stopped long enough to blog. Everyone is in bed and so far it's all peaceful!

Scroll down the page to see our photos so far.





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