
Image of Karate

We started Karate lessons with Natalie Shields.



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Shakespeare Day

Image of Shakespeare Day

We have had a fantastic morning doing a Shakespeare workshop. We improvised, practiced parts of the play and learned to sword fight! Thank you to Frances Entwistle for a very enjoyable morning. More photos in the gallery

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World War 2

Image of World War 2

Today, Year 3 have begun a topic on World War 2. Here, we see one of the sparks for World War 2...Germany invading Poland!

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Image of Science

We have had an exciting afternoon mixing and separating different materials. 

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome back Year 5!

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Image of Christingle

Well done at the Christingle Year 5. Have a very happy Christmas and  lovely New Year. 

See you in 2016

Miss Stevens xx

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I will put in my magic box....

We have read The Magic Box by Kit Wright and written our own poems.


We have also thought about what we would put in a Christmas Box


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Christmas Party

Image of Christmas Party

We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party this morning. Lots of dancing and games and a wonderful feast! Thank you so much for all of your contributions. More photos to follow in the gallery

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Year 6 Christingle

Image of Year 6 Christingle

Tesco came to Roose School to decorate oranges for Christingle 

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Year 6 Karate Grading

Image of Year 6 Karate Grading

Some  members of year 6 passed their grading and received their green and white belts.

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Tesco Christingle

Image of Tesco Christingle

A big thank you to the staff at Tesco who came to make Christingles with us this morning

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Yo Kids

Image of Yo Kids

We tried out some Yoga for kids today.

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