4 November 2016


We havae spent a very exciting morning exploring measures and measuring pretty much anything we could 

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14 October 2016

Rain forest Shamem

We had a very exciting day being Shamen in a rainforest tribe. We had a tribal meeting to discuss how we can use plants as medicines. We then researched and wrote a recipe using plants to cure an illness. Then we went outside and found some plants and herbs to make a potion to cure all sorts of…

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13 October 2016

3,2,1 Dunk!

We have made some world changing scientific discoveries!

Digestives are RUBBISH for dunking!

Bourbons are the best!

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6 October 2016

Poetry workshops

We had a fantastic time creating soundscapes and writing poetry this morning

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5 October 2016

Chilli Chocolate Truffles

We finished making out Chill Chocolate Truffles today.

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4 October 2016

Barrow Credit Union

We thought about what we want to do when we grow up and why we might want to save money.


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3 October 2016

Year 6 Visit The Acadamy

Year 6 had a great time at the acadamy. We did Maths, Science and DT.


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30 September 2016

Yummy cakes

Waiting for the cake stall to open!

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26 September 2016

Year 6 Virus And Bacteria

Today in science we created viruses and bacteria models out of placticine.


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