Who needs the latest iphone when all you really need is two plastic cups and some string?
History of Barrow
We have had a very exciting afternoon learning all about the history of our town. Many thanks to Barrow Archives for bringing in lots of artefacts and helping us to explore them.
Animal Allies
We started building Lego models for our Lego league challenge....more details as I get them
We havae spent a very exciting morning exploring measures and measuring pretty much anything we could
Rain forest Shamem
We had a very exciting day being Shamen in a rainforest tribe. We had a tribal meeting to discuss how we can use plants as medicines. We then researched and wrote a recipe using plants to cure an illness. Then we went outside and found some plants and herbs to make a potion to cure all sorts of…
3,2,1 Dunk!
We have made some world changing scientific discoveries!
Digestives are RUBBISH for dunking!
Bourbons are the best!
Poetry workshops
We had a fantastic time creating soundscapes and writing poetry this morning
Chilli Chocolate Truffles
We finished making out Chill Chocolate Truffles today.
Barrow Credit Union
We thought about what we want to do when we grow up and why we might want to save money.
Year 6 Visit The Acadamy
Year 6 had a great time at the acadamy. We did Maths, Science and DT.