RE- Names of Allah
Today in RE we looked at the different names of Allah within Islam. We each described one person in our class with words and by sketches on post-it notes and explored the importance of words and images to describe someone as well as exploring the names of Allah. We all had to 'Guess…
World Book Day
Electrical curcuits and switches being tested by an assortment of super heroes and book characters
World Book Day - Year 6
World Book Day 2018: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Little Red Riding Hood, Mr Stink and more.....Who else can you see?
International week, year 1 Italy
We had so much fun during international week. We found out all about Italy and it was very interesting. We made Leaning Towers of Pisa, we made pizzas, had ice-creams, set up a cafe, designed pizzas, learnt new Italian words, copied Italian artists and much more!
Tens and units
In maths we have been finding out about partitioning tens and units numbers. We did this practically with cubes by choosing a number then building the number into sticks of ten and then the units.
Exploring the Stone Age
We have been exploring parts of the Stone Age through dance in preparation for the U dance festival next month
Buddhist Poses
Last week in RE, Year 5 looked at the different images of Buddha. The children picked their favourite image and had a go at posing in that position which they wrote about in their books!
Chemical Engineering
We had an amazing day with Dr Irene Wise from Lancater Univerity!
Our first challenge was to develop our team building skills by getting our team through a piece of paper.
Then we learnt how to extract flavour from coffee beans.
This afternoon we had to make a…