Chinese Opera masks

Image of Chinese Opera masks

As we are learning about China we have been decorating masks inspired by the Beijing Opera

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Chinese opera masks

Image of Chinese opera masks
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Trinidad Carnival Dancing!

Image of Trinidad Carnival Dancing!

We had a brilliant start to the day learning a carnival dance from Trinidad! We all tried our best and really enjoyed ourselves.

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Animation Workshop

Image of Animation Workshop

Year 5 had a great time creating Stopframe Animations.

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Building Stonehenge

Image of Building Stonehenge

We built models of Stonehenge using clay.

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Stick Creations

Image of Stick Creations
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Stick Creations

Image of Stick Creations
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Stick creations

Image of Stick creations

We made the most of the sunshine this morning by making stick creations on the field

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Robotics Worksop

We are having a fantastic time in our Robotics Workshop with Fran from S.T.E.M.

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Library visit

Image of Library visit

We loved our visit to Roose library where we listened to stories, took part in a story hunt and chose a book on our class library card. 

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Surveying trees

Image of Surveying trees
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Surveying trees

Image of Surveying trees
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