Our Books
Year 2 have listened to the story 'Dog Loves Drawing' by Louise Yates. One day the dog receives a parcel and discovers it's a blank book. He creates his own story. Year 2 were given blank books and asked to make their own books.
Year 6 at the Easter Disco
Well done boys and girls. You were a great help at the disco with the younger children and you all looked very smart in your party clothes.
Year 5 Viking Invasion
This morning Year 5's Classroom had been invaded by The Viking! The classroom had been turned upside down and we were all scared and confused!
Investigating states of matter
We have been investigating changes in states of matter and having fun with ice cubes!
Year 6 First Aid Training
Year 6 had a super afternoon today learning all about First Aid and how to help people in times of need. Before the training began, when asked how confident they felt offering help to someone, most of the children on scale of 1-10 rated themselves between 2 and 4. After the training, when asked…
Mini-Beast and Living Things Hunt!
With the sunny, warm weather we decided to take our science lesson outside!
The children worked in groups to find mini-beasts and living things in the school garden and on the playground. We even did some writing and drawing on the play ground with coloured chalk, it was great…
Exploring tone
We have been exloring tones of green by looking at the work of Monet, exploring outside and then using leaves and natural greens to mis our own colours.
Fraction and number lines
We have been exploring number lines with fractions and been finding equivalent.
My Life as a Courgette
We had some lessons in voice projection while waiting for our film to start.
Year 6 Girls at Gym Club
Year 6 girls had great fun tonight at Gym Club on the apparatus and ropes.