Maypole Dancing Workshop

Image of Maypole Dancing Workshop

Year 6 really enjoyed dancing around the Maypole today.  

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Investigating gases

Image of Investigating gases

We have been finding out the mass of carbon dioxide. This was done with lots of pop bottle shaking and jumping around. Results should be in tomorrow!  

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Explanation texts

Image of Explanation texts

We have been working out how Wallace and Gromitt's Cracking Contraptions work to write explanation texts

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Image of Cooperation

The value of the month is Cooperation.

We read the story of The Two Greedy brothers and then tried to cooperate with each other to untangle ourselves.

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String Quartet

Image of String Quartet

Years 4 and 5 had a fantastic morning at Dowdales listening to the Fitzroy String Quartet

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Percussion instruments 2018

Image of Percussion instruments 2018

We added percussion instruments to Lean on Me by Bill Withers

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Wheelchair workshop

Image of Wheelchair workshop

Everyone in year 1 had amazing fun during our wheelchair workshop. 

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Year 6 Playing Wheelchair Basketball

Image of Year 6 Playing Wheelchair Basketball
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Practicing time

Image of Practicing time

We did lots of activities to help us to tell the time and to convert from analogue to digital  

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Year 6 do Yoga.

Image of Year 6 do Yoga.

Year 6 enjoyed their Yoga session with Liane.  She gave the class lots of top tips for relaxing on the run up to Sats.  

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Image of Meditating

We have had a lovely first week back so far and have been learning how to meditate and de-stress!

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Year 6 Easter hats, hair, decorated eggs and egg hunt.

Image of Year 6 Easter hats, hair, decorated eggs and egg hunt.

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