28 February 2017

Pancake Day!

We have tried to flip our pancakes as many times as we can in 30 seconds. These two managed 18 flips each!

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2 February 2017

Roman Writing

Author Robin Price came to our classroom and told us of some writing techniques when creating stories. 

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1 February 2017

Right Angles

Some of our class went around school trying to find right angles.

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26 January 2017

Chinese New Year

The children handled real kitchen knives and prepared a Chinese stir fry meal. It tasted incredible!

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19 January 2017

Roman Shields

As part of our Roman topic, each child has designed a Roman Shield. We will be making them over the next couple of weeks.

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21 September 2016


We have been learning about Ancient Egypt and today we made the double crown, ruling over all of Egypt.

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14 September 2016

Smokey Firewings

Today, Smokey Firewings fully hatched from the dragon egg. He will be getting to know the children by visiting them at home for a few days at a time.

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13 September 2016

Roald Dahl Day 2016

Year 3 showing our Dahlicious dressing up skills on what would have been Roald Dahl's 100th birthday!

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6 September 2016

Mysterious object found!

Year 3 received a letter about a strange object that was in the garden. We investigated and found this and put it in the box to keep safe. Currently, the main thoughts are either a dinosaur egg, a dragon egg or an alien egg...

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17 June 2016

Chef visit

We enjoyed making shepherd's pie with chef James Holden.

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17 June 2016

Fellwalking and farm visit

Last week we had a brilliant time in the Lake District. We visited Cathedral quarry, Yew Tree Farm and climbed a mountain.

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24 March 2016

Eggs and Hats

Well done Year 2.

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