14 September 2017


Taking part in memory and attention tests to see how exercise affects our mood.

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8 September 2017

New Year 4

A fantastic first week from the new Year 4 class. Here's to many more to come

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4 September 2017

Welcome back

Welcome back and welcome to year 4. A great start to the year and straight down to business today. designing our own circus themed reading area.

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30 March 2017

Bible Stories Exhibition

We have visited Trinity Church Centre to view an exhibition of bible stories. Different schools around Barrow, including us, have contributed their artwork for display.

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22 March 2017

Experience Easter

We walked the 2 miles to St. Paul's church to take part in learning about the different aspects of Easter, including the Last Supper, the crucifixion and how hope can change the world.

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21 March 2017

Rocket Workshop

Fran from S.T.E.M talked to us about rockets, how to make them and improve our designs. We theen went outside and fired some using an air compressor. This rocket hit the wall of the hall from over 20m away!

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15 March 2017

Poetry Workshop

Year 3 had David from the Wordsworth Trust come in and work with us on some poetry. David used different pieces of art to inspire our poems.

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10 March 2017

Mother's Day singing

Kirsten has written a Mother's Day song exclusively for Roose School. She came in to teach us it and we hope to sing it in a couple of weeks time for our Mother's Day Assembly.

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8 March 2017

Women's Day 2017

Cumbria Fire Rescue came to Roose as part of International Women's Day to talk about women in the workplace. We also had doctors and paramedics also came to talk to us about how and why they chose their profession.

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2 March 2017

World Book Day

Some of Year 3 have come dressed as book characters for World Book Day.

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2 March 2017

World Book Day

Some of Year 3 are ready for their bed time story!

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2 March 2017

World Book Day

Year 3 went next door to read with Nursery.

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