2 February 2016

Talking to the Space Station!

Years 4, 5 and 6 have had a very exciting afternoon as we have linked up with Tim Peake on the International Space Station!! He told us all about how to drink in space and how water sticks together. He also used paddles to play with the balls of water like table tennis. There was a lot of…

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29 January 2016


Year 5 have been writing cinquains with Miss Pinches and using instruments to perform them.

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26 January 2016

Space Exploration!

We have used globes, balls, torches and hoops to explore night and day and the orbit of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

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14 January 2016

Spellbinding books!

We have had a lovely afternoon getting started on our Spellbinding Reading Challenge. We are all really enjoying the books so far. 

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11 January 2016

Shakespeare Day

We have had a fantastic morning doing a Shakespeare workshop. We improvised, practiced parts of the play and learned to sword fight! Thank you to Frances Entwistle for a very enjoyable morning. More photos in the gallery

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6 January 2016


We have had an exciting afternoon mixing and separating different materials. 

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5 January 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome back Year 5!

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17 December 2015


Well done at the Christingle Year 5. Have a very happy Christmas and  lovely New Year. 

See you in 2016

Miss Stevens xx

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14 December 2015

Christmas Party

We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party this morning. Lots of dancing and games and a wonderful feast! Thank you so much for all of your contributions. More photos to follow in the gallery

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7 December 2015

Tesco Christingle

A big thank you to the staff at Tesco who came to make Christingles with us this morning

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1 December 2015

Decorating cakes

We have been decorating cakes to sell at the Christmas Fair tomorrow

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27 November 2015

Making Christmas Paper

We have had a great afternoon making Christmas paper out of pulp, glitter and napkins. 

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