27 June 2016

Furness Academy Olympics

We had a wonderful day on Friday at Furness Academy Olympics



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22 June 2016

Furness Academy

We had a brilliant day yesterday at Furness Academy, we learned Portugese, made noisy fans, painted posters and talked all about the values of the Olympics. We are looking forward to the sports morning on Friday. 

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20 June 2016


Enjoying our lunch at Zeffirellis before the second half of Hamlet

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17 June 2016


We have had the 'best time ever' watching a fantastic performance of Hamlet at Zeffirellis in Ambleside. 

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13 June 2016

Exciting Monday

We have had such a fun day, we had a zentangle workshop where we decorated some lovely tiles, we learned all about mean, median, mode and range in maths and saw some little chicks in reception.

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27 May 2016


We have been practicing our Salsa moves this morning and are now sorting types of triangles.

Happy half term to all of Year 5. 

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19 May 2016

Skipping Day

We had a lot of fun learning how to skip today with George. 

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17 May 2016

Pond dipping

We have spent a lovely afternoon pond dipping, we saw tadpoles and frogs and learned all about the life cycle of a frog. We are looking forward to checking the pond again in a few weeks to see if things have changed. 

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13 May 2016

Making flour

We have spent a very exciting afternoon using stone age tools (stones) to turn oats into flour. We realised how difficult life must have been back then and how easy we have it today. 

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4 May 2016

May the 4th Be With You

We have had a great day testing and investigating magnetic force whilst dressed in Star Wars costumes. May the Force Be With You!! 

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22 April 2016

Virtual Shakespeare

We have had a lovely afternoon following the Shakespeare 400 celebrations with a virtual lesson.

Happy birthday tomorrow Shakespeare

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19 April 2016

Exploring forces

We have spent the afternoon playing hockey and exploring forces using gears, pulleys, springs and levers

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