
Image of Violins

We learnt how to put our violin on our shoulder and how to do a bowing action with our arm.

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Networks and the Internet

Image of Networks and the Internet

We learnt about networks and the internet today in computing. First we went around school and found the switch and the server. We found out that we can open the same thing on different computers in school.Then we passed messages within a group and then around the whole class, using the switch to…

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First Violin Lesson

Image of First Violin Lesson

We had our first violin lesson today. We learnt how to pick up the violin and which string is which. We did some keeping time games.


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Amazing First Day!

Image of Amazing First Day!

Thank you year 4, I have had an amazing first day with you all! I’m sure Mrs Neto and Mrs Ogden will agree that you are all brilliant! We had a great time this morning playing on the new equipment on the field.

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Kepplewray 2022

Image of Kepplewray 2022

Years 4 and 5 had an amazing time at Kepplewray! Everyone worked hard and tried their best. Many children really challenged themselves and achieved much more than they expected to. A huge thank you to the amazing staff from school who went above and beyond to support the…

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Image of Cricket

We had a game of cricket with a difference today. 4 people batting and running at the same time. The fielders had to return the balls to Jo to stop the batters running.

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Making Circuits

Image of Making Circuits

I gave the children a selection of electrical equipment; bulbs, wires, crocodile clips and batteries. I challenged them to light up the bulb.

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Image of Cricket

Bowling Skills today. We had lots of fun trying to knock over the wickets.

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Cricket 7.6.22

Image of Cricket 7.6.22

During our cricket session with Ji today we learnt how to hold the bat properly. We took turns batting and fielding.

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Exploring Area

Image of Exploring Area

We used post it notes to explore area. Each shape has an area of 4 postitnotes.

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Making Myth Monsters

Image of Making Myth Monsters

We worked together to create Mythical Monsters. We all drew  head then folded out paper and passed it to the next person, who drew the body. We repeated this till we had done the whole monster.

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Happy Easter

Image of Happy Easter

We had an egg hunt in our classroom.


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