Magic Transporting Duck

Today in mucrobit club we magically transported a duck from one microbit to another

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Greek Food Tasting

Image of Greek Food Tasting

We tasted Greek foods today. We had olives

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Microbit Beating Heart

Image of Microbit Beating Heart

The boys from years 4 and 6 programmed our microbits to create a beating heart sound sensor.

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Movement Workshop with Fevered Sleep

Image of Movement Workshop with Fevered Sleep

David from Fevered Sleep came to do a movement workshop with the girls from years 4, 5 and 6 today

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Microbit Club (Rock, Paper, Scissors)

We used our BBC Microbits to code a Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

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Art Exhibition

Image of Art Exhibition

Years 5 and 6 went to Signal Films today to engage with an interactive art exhibition of their work based on a positive future.

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Mixing Colours

Image of Mixing Colours

We used red, blue and yellow (primary colours) to mix secondary and then tertiary colours.

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Counter balance

Image of Counter balance

We worked with a partner to create paired balances.

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Year 3&4 Christmas Party

Image of Year 3&4 Christmas Party

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Year 4 Christmas Jumpers

Image of Year 4 Christmas Jumpers

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Bonfire Night Digital Painting

Image of Bonfire Night Digital Painting

We used paint to create digital bonfire night paintings.

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Image of Charleston

We had great fun this afternoon learning some Charleston moves in our dance lesson. We also practised cheeky faces to go along with our dance. 

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