Reflective Materials

Image of Reflective Materials

We tested different materials to see which were reflective.

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Cumbria Bible Challenge Passover

Image of Cumbria Bible Challenge Passover

This game was a bit unfair in our first session of the Cumbia Bible Challenge.

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Fit Fencing Year 3 2018

Image of Fit Fencing Year 3 2018
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Harvest Bread 2018

Image of Harvest Bread 2018

Mrs Treadwell  made bread this afternoon ready for harvest.


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Anglo Saxon Assembly

Image of Anglo Saxon Assembly

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Investigating Paper Planes

Image of Investigating Paper Planes

We made paper planes and investigated which would fly the furthest

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Wergild for Body Parts

Image of Wergild for Body Parts

We are learning about Anglo Saxon Crime and Punishment.

If an Anglo Saxon injured another Anglo Saxon the had to pay Wergild depending which body part was injured or cut off. 


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Dancing Spiders

Image of Dancing Spiders

We made Dancing Spiders using tin foil, white board pens and water.

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Image of Dodgeball

Year 5 took part in a Leadership Dodgeball Course today. We are now ready to teach others how to play.


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Pond Dipping 2018

Image of Pond Dipping 2018

We had a great time pond dipping this afternoon. We found hundreds of tadpoles!

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Brantwood House

Image of Brantwood House

We are having a fantastic day at Brentwood House.

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Image of Cooperation

The value of the month is Cooperation.

We read the story of The Two Greedy brothers and then tried to cooperate with each other to untangle ourselves.

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