24 February 2020
We investigated how mirrors work. We did some mirror writing and tried to draw our way round a maze.
4 February 2020
3D Printing Workshop
We had an amazing time with Sonya from Create Education. We designed cookie cutters and are 3D printing them.
2 February 2020
Chinese New Year Assembly
Year 5 and Year 1 worked together to do this fantastic assembly.
31 January 2020
Year 3 Jiu jitsu
We had a great time with Sensais Phil and Phil this morning.
25 November 2019
Library Bus 2019
We all squashed into the library bus to listen to a story, then we all chose a book to read.
17 October 2019
Quiet Critters
We love our quiet critters. We have to work really quietly or they hide in their jar.