Making a planet

Image of Making a planet

Year 5 have had a wonderful afternoon with Mrs Treadwell making a planet for a display at Tesco. We are delivering it in the morning so if you go shopping please keep an eye out for out handy work and aliens! 



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Materials vocabulary

Image of Materials vocabulary

We have turned the classroom into a giant science dictionary, finding definitions of words to do with materials and labelling anything we could. 

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Planting bulbs ready for next Spring

Image of Planting bulbs ready for next Spring

The Gardening Club/Eco council have been busy after school weeding some of the beds and planting bulbs ready for Spring, we can't wait to see how they look next year!



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Hockey skills

Image of Hockey skills

Working on our hockey skills this afternoon


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Year 5 Harvest Loaf

Image of Year 5 Harvest Loaf

Amazing work done by Mrs Treadwell and Year 5 on our Harvest loaf. Thank you Mrs Treadwell



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Stone Age Hunting

Image of Stone Age Hunting

This afternoon was all about the mesolithic and we split into groups and acted as the hunters and the prey. The children worked out that you are more likely to be caught if you are on your own and not in a herd and if you are a prey animal, not getting trapped in a corner is useful.

Lots of…

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Stone Age Settlements

Image of Stone Age Settlements

Unfortunately, our Stone Age Den making day has been postponed so we decided to devote the morning to the neolithic and investigated and made stone age settlements. We have really enjoyed it. 


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Investigating sound

Image of Investigating sound

We have been investigating how sound is made and used data loggers to increase and decrease vibrations to see how it affected volume. It was noisy and fun. 

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Stone Age Tales

Image of Stone Age Tales

We have been making offerings to the gods and asking for successful hunts and harvests. We also made some small cave pictures on stones and used them to make a story.



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The Great British Dunk Off

Image of The Great British Dunk Off

Channel 4 may have the Bake Off, we have the Dunk Off! We have spent the afternoon testing the strength of biscuits. 


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Roman Numerals

Image of Roman Numerals

We have been exploring Roman Numerals 



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Hockey skills

Image of Hockey skills

We have been learning hockey skills 


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