Studying maps

Image of Studying maps

Quietly studying maps to find rivers in the Lake District 

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Dancing for Children in Need

Image of Dancing for Children in Need

Dancing in the sunshine in our pyjamas for Children in Need 



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River Systems

Image of River Systems

We have had a great afternoon making different river systems. We made waterfalls, meanders and tributaries. 

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Separating materials

Image of Separating materials

We have been investigating how to separate materials using sieves and filters 


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Discussing Poverty

Image of Discussing Poverty

We have been discussing global poverty and looking at the difference between our wants and our needs. 

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Sea defences

Image of Sea defences

We have been investigating sea defences and built sea walls to try and hold back the tide. 



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Exploring erosion of coastlines

Image of Exploring erosion of coastlines

We have been exploring how erosion can change the shape of the coast line over time. We have made and explored caves, arches, stacks and stumps. 


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Year 5 Mindfulness

Image of Year 5 Mindfulness

We have been exploring mindfulness



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World Mental Health Day

Image of World Mental Health Day

We have been supporting World Mental Health Day and the Hello Yellow campaign 


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Transporting the Sarsen Stones

Image of Transporting the Sarsen Stones

We also explored how the huge Sarsen and Bluestones may have been moved. 



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Making Stonehenge

Image of Making Stonehenge

We have been exploring Stonehenge today and made a plan of our own henge. We then used clay and tools to create our vision in 3D


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Using Stone Age Tools

Image of Using Stone Age Tools

We have been thinking about how life changed from the mesolithic to the neolithic and we thought life might have become easier. After spending a VERY LONG time using stone age tools (stones) to make flour, we might have changed our minds!



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