Stone Age workshop
An amazing visit to Keswick museum that brought our learning to life.
Barrow Library Visit
Year 3 had a brilliant visit to Barrow Library. We enjoyed exploring the books and learning about the books.
United utilities workshop
Sarah from the Lake District National Park delivered a great workshop about the water cycle and how we use water.
WWF World Oceans Day
Year 3 enjoyed a live lesson with WWF learning about our oceans, the problems they fa e and how we can help.
Class of 2027 school trip
Year 3 enjoyed a brilliant day on Coniston Water at the adventure park canoeing, high and low ropes and orienteering.
Writing in the style of Berlie Doherty
Year 3 enjoyed writing in the style of Belie Doherty. They used adjectives, similes and repetition.
Roman Army
Year 3 enjoyed learning about the Roman Army. They designed their own shield and practised the testudo formation.
Bonnets, hair and eggs
Year 3 did an amazing job of decorating hats, hair and eggs.
PE Outdoor Adventure
Year 3 really enjoyed solving the problem of getting 10 people from one side to the other by stepping on beans bags. They only had one each and had several tries before succeeding.
Meet the brain
Thank you to Coram Life Education for a super session called Meet the Brain. Year 3 learned lots about the different systems in our bodies