Furness Abbey 2024

Image of Furness Abbey 2024

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Year 6 Electrical circuits

Image of Year 6 Electrical circuits

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Year 6 Science Investigation - light and shadow

Image of Year 6 Science Investigation - light and shadow

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Exploring the colours in white light

Image of Exploring the colours in white light

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Creating the solar system

Image of Creating the solar system

Today we have been learning about the solar system and created our own. 


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Smoothie bike

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Digestive Process

Image of Digestive Process

We recreated the digestive process in Science today. We tore bread into small pieces (like incisors biting), added saliva (water) and mashed it all up with a fork (molars chewing and grinding).

We then transferred it to a plastic bag (stomach) and added digestive acid (orange juice) and enzymes…

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Digestive System

Image of Digestive System

We looked at the digestive system today. We tried to place parts of the digestive system in the right places on our body l.

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Dissecting flowers

Image of Dissecting flowers

An exciting afternoon of dissecting flowering plants and identifying the different parts. 

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Image of Teeth

We worked with a partner to record what teeth we have.

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Image of Gardening

A lovely afternoon planting cornflower seeds 

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Image of Switches

We used cardboard, paperclips, and split pins to make our own switches.

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