Nature club 24/5/22

Image of Nature club 24/5/22

Lots fun making nature bracelets today ☺️ 

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Secret Agent Training

Image of Secret Agent Training

Year 2 are half way through our Secret Agent Training and have had a day to reset our Growth Mindsets! We enjoyed creating secret agent masks, solve maths and English problems, sneak around school practising our spy skills and complete an obstacle course to ensure we are physically fit and ready…

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Nature club 17/5/2022


Children really enjoyed nature club looking and talking about wild flowers.


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Multi-sports club

Image of Multi-sports club

Lots of fun in multi-sports



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Easter Bunny visit

Image of Easter Bunny visit

We have had an exciting week this week with some sightings and pictures of the Easter Bunny. This has been a great stimulus for writing and created lots of where, when, why, who and what questions to think about. The children all created a newspaper report about the special visitor and we were…

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Friendship Friday - Year 2

Image of Friendship Friday - Year 2

In year 2 we are really thinking about how we can be the best we can be! Whether that is being super resilient when it comes to writing, having a good growth mindset during maths, being the best friend that we can be and looking after our own mental health. We have a few mottos in year 2 that we…

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Nature club 9/3/2022

Image of Nature club 9/3/2022

Nature club had a lot of fun making bird feeders today.

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Word processing - Year 2

Image of Word processing - Year 2

We are enjoying our word processing computing topic and have already enjoyed exploring the keyboard and the different keys. In today’s lesson we looked at changing the size, colour and style of the font. We also linked it to our value this half term - friendship. We used our computing and PSHE…

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Year 2 Wheelchair Basketball

Image of Year 2 Wheelchair Basketball

Year 2 had lots of fun playing wheelchair Basketball


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Year 2 World Book Day

Image of Year 2 World Book Day

We loved celebrating world book day in year 2.  Sharing stories together is our favourite time of the day! 


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Year 2 Art - creating sculptures

Image of Year 2 Art - creating sculptures

In Year 2 we have been looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy. We have sketched/designed and created sculptures using his style. The children used clay and other materials to recreate their designs. Well done Year 2! 

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Nature club 23/2/2022

Image of Nature club 23/2/2022

Lots of fun in nature club today making seed bombs. 

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