Year 1 Poetry 2018

Image of Year 1 Poetry 2018

Year 1 enjoyed a poetry session.  We had lots of fun with silly rhymes and movements.


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Harvest Bread 2018

Image of Harvest Bread 2018

Mrs Treadwell  made bread this afternoon ready for harvest.


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Harvesting apples

Image of Harvesting apples

We have been harvesting apples from our orchard to make apple crumble for the harvest festival 

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Year 1 Beebots 2018

Image of Year 1 Beebots 2018

Year 1 had fun using the Beebots.  We learned how to programme them.

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Year 4 Growing Well visit

Image of Year 4 Growing Well visit

We had a super day at The Growing Well project at Sizergh Barn. We learnt about the project, the plants they grow and made vegetable biryani with the chef. All the children were brilliantly behaved and asked interesting questions. Everyone tasted the food we made.


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Circus comes to year 4!

Image of Circus comes to year 4!

We have been reading a book called 'Leon and the Place Between' by Grahame Baker-Smith. We changed our classroom into a circus to experience some of the sensory delights of the book's setting! We went in our 'big top' reading tent, ate and smelt popcorn and watched a trapeze artist on video. Mrs…

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Anglo Saxon Assembly

Image of Anglo Saxon Assembly

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The Great British Dunk Off!

Image of The Great British Dunk Off!

We have been investigating the dunkability of biscuits. We set and carried out different investigations, then we ate the investigations!  

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Investigating Paper Planes

Image of Investigating Paper Planes

We made paper planes and investigated which would fly the furthest

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Roman numerals

Image of Roman numerals

We have been making Roman numerals

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The view of the Lady of Shalott

Image of The view of the Lady of Shalott

We wondered what the Lady of Shalott could see through her mirror

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Large numbers

Image of Large numbers

We have been exploring 6, 7, 8 and 9 digit numbers 

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