8 October 2019

Transporting the Sarsen Stones

We also explored how the huge Sarsen and Bluestones may have been moved. 



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8 October 2019

Making Stonehenge

We have been exploring Stonehenge today and made a plan of our own henge. We then used clay and tools to create our vision in 3D


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4 October 2019

Using Stone Age Tools

We have been thinking about how life changed from the mesolithic to the neolithic and we thought life might have become easier. After spending a VERY LONG time using stone age tools (stones) to make flour, we might have changed our minds!



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3 October 2019

Making a planet

Year 5 have had a wonderful afternoon with Mrs Treadwell making a planet for a display at Tesco. We are delivering it in the morning so if you go shopping please keep an eye out for out handy work and aliens! 



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1 October 2019

Materials vocabulary

We have turned the classroom into a giant science dictionary, finding definitions of words to do with materials and labelling anything we could. 

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30 September 2019

Planting bulbs ready for next Spring

The Gardening Club/Eco council have been busy after school weeding some of the beds and planting bulbs ready for Spring, we can't wait to see how they look next year!



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30 September 2019

Hockey skills

Working on our hockey skills this afternoon


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30 September 2019

Fruit Cocktail

In Year 2 we have written the instructions for making a fruit cocktail.  We used lots of imperative verbs like chop, wash, peel, mix and stir. Then we followed our instructions to make the fruit cocktail. It was delicious.

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29 September 2019

Year 5 Harvest Loaf

Amazing work done by Mrs Treadwell and Year 5 on our Harvest loaf. Thank you Mrs Treadwell



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26 September 2019

Roman Army Training

We are training to be Roman Soldiers.


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