Wordsworth's Birthday
We learned all about what Birthdays were like when Wordsworth was alive. We wrote poetry inspired by "I Wandered Lonely as a cloud." We made Birthday cards for Wordsworth, who would have been 250 this year and we tried some Westmorland Dancing.
Wordsworth Trust Poetry Workshop
We had a wonderful poetry morning with Anna, the poet in residence from the Wordsworth Trust. We wrote some amazing poetry of our own.
Investigating friction
We have been investigating friction using cars and ramps
Cumbria Cricket
Jake and Jo from Cumbria Cricket came to work with us today. We worked on throwing and catching and had a game of cricket.
Punctuation Man 2020
Years 6,5 and 4 had an amazing show from the 'Punctuation Man' today - we learned so much in a fun and interactive way. There were songs, questions and lots more. There were lots of explanations from nouns and verbs to passive and active sentences. It was a really fun day. In fact, discovering…
Punctuation Man 2020
Years 6,5 and 4 had an amazing show from the 'Punctuation Man' today - we learned so much in a fun and interactive way. There were songs, questions and lots more. There were lots of explanations from nouns and verbs to passive and active sentences. It was a really fun day. In fact, discovering…
Punctuation Man 2020
Years 6,5 and 4 had an amazing show from the 'Punctuation Man' today - we learned so much in a fun and interactive way. There were songs, questions and lots more. There were lots of explanations from nouns and verbs to passive and active sentences. It was a really fun day. In fact, discovering…
We investigated how mirrors work. We did some mirror writing and tried to draw our way round a maze.
Composting workshop
The Eco Council had a great time at the composting workshop at Barrow Library today. We learned a lot about what we should and shouldn't compost and we would now like a wormery!
3D Printing Workshop
We had an amazing time with Sonya from Create Education. We designed cookie cutters and are 3D printing them.
Chinese New Year Assembly
Year 5 and Year 1 worked together to do this fantastic assembly.
Year 3 Jiu jitsu
We had a great time with Sensais Phil and Phil this morning.