4 May 2016

Investigating Friction

We investigated friction by testing how far a toy car would travel on different surfaces.

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4 May 2016

May the 4th Be With You

We have had a great day testing and investigating magnetic force whilst dressed in Star Wars costumes. May the Force Be With You!! 

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29 April 2016

Roman Shields

We have used up all the red and yellow paper in school making our Roman Shields!

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26 April 2016

Harmonica Workshops

Year 3 have been trying out a new instrument - the Harmonica!

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22 April 2016

Virtual Shakespeare

We have had a lovely afternoon following the Shakespeare 400 celebrations with a virtual lesson.

Happy birthday tomorrow Shakespeare

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22 April 2016

Year 1's art gallery

Year 1 have been on the field making collages in groups out of natural objects as part of our nature topic.Have a look at the photo gallery to see more.

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19 April 2016

Exploring forces

We have spent the afternoon playing hockey and exploring forces using gears, pulleys, springs and levers

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19 April 2016

Descriptive writing

We have looked at Anthony Browne's 'The Tunnel'. In order to describe being inside a tunnel, we did our work in our own 'tunnels'.

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13 April 2016

K'Nex Day!

We were challenged to make a windmill that could spin, had a handle in case the wind was low and was structurally sound! Here is the winner!

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13 April 2016

K Nex

We built windmills in our K Nex workshop this morning.


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12 April 2016

Singing Games

In Music, we are looking at different singing games and songs that get longer and have more things added each time. Here we are singing 'I am the Music Man' and playing trombones

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