Making Seaside Sandwiches

Image of Making Seaside Sandwiches

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Welcome Minnie!

Image of Welcome Minnie!

We have an addition to our Year 1 family…9 week old Minnie.

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More tree planting…

Image of More tree planting…

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Easter Fun in Year 1

Image of Easter Fun in Year 1

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Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

We had a fantastic morning learning about RND and having our work experience students paint our noses.

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Wheelchair Basketball Bonanza

Image of Wheelchair Basketball Bonanza

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World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

Mrs Redhead had great fun with reception on World Book Day.

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Dock Museum Visit

Image of Dock Museum Visit

Exploring our local history as part of our Humanities topic. 


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World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

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Marvellous Maths

Image of Marvellous Maths

We have working collaboratively to learn about place value! We really enjoy learning from one another and listening to our friends. 

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Safer Internet Day

Image of Safer Internet Day

We are so grateful to Year 5 for coming to talk to us about how we can be safe on the Internet!

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Mrs Carter came to listen to us read…

Image of Mrs Carter came to listen to us read…

We were so happy to have Mrs Carter come to our class on SCARF day to listen to us read. 

This week, we had not only Mrs Carter but also Year 5 students as well as a parent visit to read with us. We love showing off our readings skills to our Roose Community! 

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