Year 1 Christmas Party 2018

Image of Year 1 Christmas Party 2018

Year 1 and all over KS1 loved our Christmas party.  We danced, played games, had a snack and watched The Snowman.

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Year 4 reading to Year 1 2018

Image of Year 4 reading to Year 1 2018

Year 1 were really lucky today because Year 4 had written their own Christmas stories and they decided to come to Year 1 to read them.  The books were fantastic and we all really enjoyed them.  Thank you Year 4.

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Year 1 making Christmas Trees 2018

Image of Year 1 making Christmas Trees 2018

Year 1 worked hard using their DT sewing skills to making Christmas tree decorations.

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Wet break dance Dec 2018

Image of Wet break dance Dec 2018

After a wet day Year 1 decided we would have a good move around and dance.

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Year 1 making Christmas cards 2018

Image of Year 1 making Christmas cards 2018

Year 1 had lots of fun using their DT skills to make pop up Christmas cards.

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Year 1 using number lines 2018.

Image of Year 1 using number lines 2018.

Year 1 have been working hard using numbers lines to help with addition.


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Year 1 making pink 2018

Image of Year 1 making pink 2018

Year 1 have been doing instruction writing this half term.  We have had to follow instructions and write our own.  We made pink using red and white.  We the wrote the instructions how to do this.

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Year 1 using their senses 2018.

Image of Year 1 using their senses 2018.

Year 1 used their senses to try food in science.

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Year 1 rocket pictures 2018

Image of Year 1 rocket pictures 2018

Year 1 followed instructions to make a picture of a rocket flying through the sky.

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Year 1 Science fun measuring 2018

Image of Year 1 Science fun measuring 2018

Year 1 have been learning about how we grow in science.  We looked at how small babies are.  We talked about how much we have grown.

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Year 1 making penguins 2018

Image of Year 1 making penguins 2018

Year 1 had lots of fun following instructions to make penguins.

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Year 1 Fit Fencing 2018

Image of Year 1 Fit Fencing 2018

Year 1 enjoying their Fit Fencing taster session. 

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