6 April 2017

Day 4 outdoor learning - Easter gardens

Easter gardens today. We picked redcurrant flowers and rosemary from the school garden and made paths with pebbles.

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6 April 2017

Day 4 outdoor learning - Easter gardens

Easter gardens today. We picked redcurrant flowers and rosemary from the school garden and made paths with pebbles.

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4 April 2017

Forest schools day 2 - lie and listen

We have been listening to the world around us. We listened to the wind as we walked across the field then lay down in a circle and listened. We talked about the noises we heard then learnt some poems in the story-telling area. We listened again on the playground and compared what we heard. We…

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3 April 2017

Forest Schools - dens and pond dipping

We had an amazing morning on the field. We made dens in groups and went pond dipping. We didn't see any frogs but we found water boatmen, midge larva, pond snails and pond skaters. Everyone stayed dry too!!! Mrs Redhead made us hot chocolates and we drank them in our dens with some fruit.…

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2 February 2017

Chinese New Year

We had an amazing time during our Chinese New Year celebrations. We baked cakes, made Chinese stir fry and made Chinese envelopes which Mrs Redhead put chocolate coins in. We practised writing using Chinese symbols and drew and coloured the Chinese zodiac animals. We are now making some Chinese…

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11 January 2017

School models

We started our 3d art topic by having a competition to make the best model of school! 

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30 September 2016

Yummy cakes

Waiting for the cake stall to open!

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14 September 2016

Year 1

We loved Roald Dahl day in year 1! We all dressed up in fantastic costumes but didn't keep them on long because it was so hot! We made Mr Twit beards and then drew around our bodies and gave ourselves extra long BFG legs.

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