24 April 2014

Shape work

We have been making shapes using lots of different techniques. 

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24 April 2014

Jiu jitsu

Year 4 have spent a brilliant afternoon with Sensai Phil practicing and learning new jiu jitsu skills. I have put the photos on the gallery. 

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9 April 2014

Selfie up a mountain!

Thank you year 3 and 4 for a wonderful day at the Coppermines yesterday.

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8 April 2014

Weather measuring equipment

We have been making barometers and rain gauges to measure the weather. We made lots of rain gauges just in case!

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24 March 2014

Shakespeare Performance

Well done year 4 for a wonderful Shakespeare week which ended with a fantastic performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at Blackwell. I am very proud of you all. I have put all the photos in a gallery and look out for the pictures in the Evening Mail soon.

Miss Stevens x

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17 March 2014

Happy Shakespeare Week

Happy Shakespeare week year 4. 

Also, I have put the photos of our Japanese feast on the gallery. 

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5 March 2014

Cracking contraptions

We have been creating and writing explanations of crazy contraptions to do simple jobs. We had a try in school and found an exciting game called Tom's Trap o Matic online game if you want to have a go at catching the mouse at home!

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5 March 2014

Exciting Tuesday

Please have a look at the galleries sections where I have put photographs of the children taking part in African Drumming with Zozo and making pancakes. Tuesday was very exciting!

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3 March 2014

Separating solids

Science lessons involving solids and liquidds- look at the concentration. 

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27 February 2014

Flashback to Jesus

We had a brilliant day yesterday and many thanks to United Reform Church on Ramsden Street who hosted a Flashback to Jesus day.

Thank you so much to all at the Church who made us so welcome and put so much effort into our day. 

There is a display of what we did in the school hall. 

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27 February 2014

Exploding volcanoes

Year 4 have made volcanoes as part of our mountians topic. We spent time watching them explode this week. The children are bringing them home so if you want to make yours explode all you need is bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. We also added some food colouring to make the larva look real. Have…

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