Ice-cream van- visit 2

Image of Ice-cream van- visit 2

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Year 6 friendship bracelets

Image of Year 6 friendship bracelets

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Year 6 water fight

Image of Year 6 water fight

Year 6 had great fun during their end- of- year 6 water fight.  The children took great delight in soakng Mr.Almond and myself.  Well done everyone for being such fun!

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Year 6 'Fair Trade' homework

Image of Year 6 'Fair Trade' homework

Well done Year 6 for your amazing homework projects about 'fair trade'. There were fantastic examples of research, mapwork, IT skills, art and design projects and maths skills. I have been so impressed with all of your work and by the standard of your  presentations.

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Year 6 Cinema and McDonalds treat

Image of Year 6 Cinema and McDonalds treat

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Year 6 Cycle Wise

Image of Year 6 Cycle Wise

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Year 6 Electrical circuits

Image of Year 6 Electrical circuits

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Year 6 Junior Citizen 2024

Image of Year 6 Junior Citizen 2024

Year 6 learnt some valuable life skills during their visit to the fire station today. Well done everyone for gaining your Junior Citizen certificate.

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Year 6 PE- volleyball and tennis

Image of Year 6 PE- volleyball and tennis

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Year 6 Science Investigation - light and shadow

Image of Year 6 Science Investigation - light and shadow

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Year 6 Cumbria in Bloom

Image of Year 6 Cumbria in Bloom

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Exploring the colours in white light

Image of Exploring the colours in white light

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