Guided reading and Dictionary Skills


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Violin - using the bow!

Image of Violin - using the bow!

In our violin lesson today we used the bow for the first time!

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Colour Mixing

Image of Colour Mixing

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Image of Violin

We had our violin lesson with Debby today.

We are plucking the strings at the moment but we are looking forward to using the bow. We used our pencils today to learn how to hold the bow.

I am learning alongside the children, we're really looking forward to performing for you later in the…

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Image of Doberries

We got our "doberries" set up today and used them to practise single digit addition facts.

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Roose fest year 5

Image of Roose fest year 5

It has been a crazy, fun year, finished off with a wonderful last day. Thank you for a great time and for working so hard year 5. Have a great summer xx

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Roose fest year 5

Image of Roose fest year 5

It has been a crazy, fun year, finished off with a wonderful last day. Thank you for a great time and for working so hard year 5. Have a great summer xx

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Encountering Wordsworth - Dove Cottage Visit

Image of Encountering Wordsworth - Dove Cottage Visit

We had an amazing day at Dove Cottage.

We explored the house, the children were fascinated by many of the things we saw. There was even a walk in "fridge" which was partially underground.

During our Woodland workshop we played "it's not a stick" and then we built wildlife habitats using what…

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Image of Letters

In year 5 we have been very angry and upset at the racial abuse some of the England players have received this week and the children decided they wanted to write some letters of support to the England team. 

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Investigating water resistance

Image of Investigating water resistance

We have been investigating water resistance and streamlined shapes. 

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Investigating friction

Image of Investigating friction

Investigating friction 

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Sketchbooks and Watercolour Techniques

Image of Sketchbooks and Watercolour Techniques

We had a Zoom Workshop with Alex (a visual artist) this morning.

We made a concertina sketchbook with a keepsake folder ready for our trip to Dove Cottage next week.

We then tried out different watercolour techniques. We used salt and clingfilm to achieve different effects and we even used…

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