Litter pick

Image of Litter pick

Year 5 and 6 gardeners had fun doing a litter pick around school grounds. 


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Blackwell workshop

Image of Blackwell workshop

Thank you to Tish and Catherine from the Wordsworth Trust for our drama and language workshops today. 

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Ulverston victoria high school

Image of Ulverston victoria high school

Tiny year 5 children at secondary school! We had a brilliant day at UVHS. Thank you to all the staff there and our wonderfully behaved children.


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Year 5 fun in the snow

Image of Year 5 fun in the snow

What a fun morning, snowmen, snowball fights. We know how to do a snow day at Roose School!

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Dove Cottage and Blackwell

More photos from our visit to Dove Cottage and Blackwell today 


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Image of Blackwell

An amazing day at Dove Cottage and Blackwell Arts and Crafts house. 

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Wheelchair basketball 23

Image of Wheelchair basketball 23

Year 5 have had an amazing time playing wheelchair basketball. 

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How waves are formed.

Image of How waves are formed.

As part of our explanation texts about the coast, we have been exploring how waves are formed. 

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World book day 23

Image of World book day 23

What a lovely world book day. We did some shared reading, spent time rehearsing A Midsummer Night’s Dream and started reading Tyler by S F Said. 

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Coastal erosion

Image of Coastal erosion

We are learning about coastal processes and how erosion cam impact the coast. We made headlands, stacks, caves, arches and stumps and will write an explanation text about it. 

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Rehearsals day 1

Image of Rehearsals day 1

We have started rehearsals for A Midsummer Night’s dream. 

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Renewable energy

Image of Renewable energy

Thank you Rachel Lightbird from the Carbon Trust who came in to talk to year 5 about renewable energy. 

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