Stone Age Timeline
We have had an amazing first morning back. We got settled into the classroom then started to find out about the Stone Age. We used trundle wheels on the playground to find out just how long ago the Stone Age was.
Thank you
Thank you so much for all the wonderful presents and cards this week. It has been an absolute joy spending the last two years with this crazy bunch and I will miss them a lot. Have a wonderful summer and see you all in September
Love Miss Stevens xx
The Great Wave
We have been recreating Hokusai's most famous picture The Great Wave
Wheelchair basketball
We had a fantastic time playing wheelchair basketball today.
Human timeline
We have been discussing the human timeline and in particular sorting true or false statements about old age.
Kensuke's Kingdom
We finished reading Kensuke's Kingdom today. It is a book we have all loved. I warned them that I might cry.....they did too!
The Wind in the Willows
We had an amazing time at Furness Academy this morning watching their brilliant show The Wind in the Willows.
Making new plants
We have been taking plant cuttings to try and grow new plants.
Dissecting plants
We have had a very scientific afternoon and dissected some plants to find and label the different parts.
Maths stories
We had so much fun listening to maths stories today and learned some mind blowing facts about the planets!