Rehearsals day 1
We have started rehearsals for A Midsummer Night’s dream.
Renewable energy
Thank you Rachel Lightbird from the Carbon Trust who came in to talk to year 5 about renewable energy.
Shakespeare day 1
Today we have started putting together our Shakespeare play, working with Imogen and Rachel. It is all very exciting.
Investigating springs
We have been investigating the forces needed to change springs and elastic bands.
Investigating Hindu gods
We have been investigating the Tri murti and different Hindu gods
Testing friction 23
Today we have been investigating friction using car ramps and different surfaces.
Listening skills
We have been discussing good listening skills in PSHE and used different conversation ideas to show good and bad listening skills.
Testing water resistance 23
Today we have been doing investigations into water resistance.
Air resistance
We have been making parachutes from different materials to test air resistance.
Shang dynasty first lesson
This afternoon we have started to learn about the Shang Dynasty in Ancient China. We discussed artefacts which had been found and what they might tell us about the time period.