Separating materials

Image of Separating materials

We have been investigating how to separate materials using sieves and filters 


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Discussing Poverty

Image of Discussing Poverty

We have been discussing global poverty and looking at the difference between our wants and our needs. 

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Sea defences

Image of Sea defences

We have been investigating sea defences and built sea walls to try and hold back the tide. 



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Dawali Dance

Image of Dawali Dance

Year 6 had an amazing session learning about Dawali and learning a Bollywood dance routine.  They were really fast learners and by the end of the session could have been backing dancers in a film!

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Bollywood Dancing 2109

Image of Bollywood Dancing 2109

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Quiet Critters

We love our quiet critters. We have to work really quietly or they hide in their jar.

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Year 3 First Aid

Image of Year 3 First Aid

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Exploring erosion of coastlines

Image of Exploring erosion of coastlines

We have been exploring how erosion can change the shape of the coast line over time. We have made and explored caves, arches, stacks and stumps. 


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Year 6 DT Disney lesson

Image of Year 6 DT Disney lesson

Year 6 planned and designed Mickey Mouse ears using their success criteria based on progressive DT skills.  They planned, designed, constructed and looked how they could strengthen and improve their ideas.  Once we had made them we had a treat of a film, hot chocolate, ice pops and pop corn.  We…

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Year 5 Mindfulness

Image of Year 5 Mindfulness

We have been exploring mindfulness



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Year 6 Mindfulness Day 2019

Image of Year 6 Mindfulness Day 2019

Year 6 have enjoyed a mindfulness day.  We have learned lots of strategies to help us.  The one we all liked was THE POWER OF YET.

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Hello Yellow

Image of Hello Yellow

Year 4 have had a lovely Hello Yellow Day. We have made a photo booth and took photos with our friends. We watched the BBC live lesson on mental health and talked about how we can help ourselves and our friends. 

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