15 October 2021

Superhero day

We have enjoyed our superhero topic very much and finished off in true superhero style with a dress up day. We wrote amazing comics, experimented with mixing colours to make super hero biscuits, wrote and performed our own separate hero poem and had lots of superhero crafts! Well done Year…

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15 October 2021

A Story Teller visits Year 6

A story teller visited Year 6 this morning and they really enjoyed the scary stories that she read for them.  

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15 October 2021


We enjoyed listening to some stories and poems this morning. Jane from Cumbria Library Service visited to read to us.

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15 October 2021

Egyptian Hieroglyphs

We learnt about Egyptian hieroglyphs, we tried to write a massage without using any words or letters. Then we decoded a message and wrote our name in  hieroglyphs.

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15 October 2021

Year 3 Past tense verbs

Year 3 explored regular and irregular past tense verbs today. 


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14 October 2021

Andy Goldsworthy sculptures

Year 5 collected natural materials to make sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy 


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8 October 2021

Stone Age tools

Lots of fun using Stone Age tools (stones) to make flour, just like they did in the Neolithic.


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7 October 2021

Mummifying Tomatoes

Today we have mummified tomatoes.

First, we washed our tomatoes, then we scooped out the insides.

We made our own natron by mixing salt and baking powder and filled the tomato with it.

We will watch them for a few weeks to see what happens.

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7 October 2021

Science and Computing Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about computers and how they connect to servers and wifi. They have also created their own fun fair games to use with magnets. 



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7 October 2021

Stem Workshop Furness Academy Year 6

Year 6 visited Furness Academy to take part in a Stem Workshop. Their challenge was to design a plane that could fly. 

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5 October 2021

Lego Stem Challenge Year 6

Year 6 took part in a Lego Stem challenge this afternoon.  The children had to work together to solve given challenges including a bridge building project.    They took on roles as Project Managers, Civil Engineers, Time Managers and Finance Control Mangers.  Comments from the class when the…

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5 October 2021

Stem workshop

We had a fantastic morning working with STEM on a bridge building project.


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