Reception Maths
In maths this week Reception have been measuring and comparing size, mass and capacity. We compared sizes of animals, measured and compared our feet length, compared the capacity of different containers and compared mass using the balance scales
Gingerbread Man Activities
In our Pathways to Write lessons we have enjoyed reading The Gingerbread Man. This week we have been retelling the story, acting out the story and designing new cakes for Mr and Mrs Baker to make in their bakery. We sent our designs off to Mr and Mrs Baker and they sent us some baking ingredients…
Netball matches
Putting our netball skills to good use playing matches
Investigating thermal insulators
Today we have been investigating thermal insulators
OK or not OK?
In our PSHE session we talked about what makes a good friend and what friends like to do together. We talked about messages and which messages are OK or not OK to send
Digestive System Model
We created a model of the digestive system using bread, water (saliva), orange juice (stomach acids) and food colouring (enzymes and bile).
We squished everything around in a freezer bag (stomach), the squeezed it out through some tights (intestines and anus)
Football Festival
Our wonderful Year 5 at the Football Festival at Furness Academy. Superb behaviour and sportsmanship was demonstrated by all.
Ancient Greek Democracy
We found out all about democracy in Ancient Greece. Only a very small minority of people were allowed to vote.