Year 6 football skills

Image of Year 6 football skills

Year 6 had great fun today practising their football skills with our coach, Brad. Well done everyone!

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Image of Gardening

A lovely afternoon planting cornflower seeds 

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Year 6 Netball Festival

Image of Year 6 Netball Festival

Amazing teamwork and effort from the year 6 netball team at the netball festival held at Furness Academy. 


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Fruit Kebabs class of 2029

Image of Fruit Kebabs class of 2029

What a lovely day for a fruit kebab! 
We are thinking about keeping healthy and being our best selves in PSHE. We used a class voting system and free choice to empower our British Values to determine what fruit would be used for the kebabs. The children used chopping, peeling and skewing skills…

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We are taking part in the RNLI Mayday Mile to raise money for the RNLI!

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Year 1 LOVE our new play equipment!

Image of Year 1 LOVE our new play equipment!

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Repeated Addition with Friends

Image of Repeated Addition with Friends

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As you like it performance

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As you like it.

Image of As you like it.

What an amazing day we have had. So very proud of year 5 and their incredible performance of As you like it at the jetty museum in Windemere. Absolute super stars 

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Reception having fun in the sun at learning time.

Image of Reception having fun in the sun at learning time.

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Fractions - Equal and unequal groups

Image of Fractions - Equal and unequal groups

Year 2 enjoyed a practical maths session sorting whole numbers into equal groups. The children then extended their learning by writing the related multiplication and division facts! A super session! 

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Year 2 and 3 PE

Image of Year 2 and 3 PE

Year 2 enjoyed teaming up with Year 3 for PE. We were looking at throwing with accuracy. We linked our throwing and catching skills with practising our timetables too! Great teamwork everyone. 

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