The wheels on the bus go round and round!

Image of The wheels on the bus go round and round!

Reception children had a trip to Tesco for their 'Let's Get Cooking' topic.

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Cracking contraptions

We have been creating and writing explanations of crazy contraptions to do simple jobs. We had a try in school and found an exciting game called Tom's Trap o Matic online game if you want to have a go at catching the mouse at home!

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Exciting Tuesday

Please have a look at the galleries sections where I have put photographs of the children taking part in African Drumming with Zozo and making pancakes. Tuesday was very exciting!

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Shrove Tuesday

Image of Shrove Tuesday

Well done Mrs Shaw!

Mrs Shaw spent the whole afternoon making pancakes.

Years 4 and 5 enjoyed tossing them and eating them!

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Researching famous people

Image of Researching famous people
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Separating solids

Image of Separating solids

Science lessons involving solids and liquidds- look at the concentration. 

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Image of Measuring
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Mardi Gras masks

Image of Mardi Gras masks

This week in RE Year 1 made Mardi Gras masks to celebrate the run up to Easter. 

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Year 4 Project

Japan Project


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Flashback to Jesus

Image of Flashback to Jesus

We had a brilliant day yesterday and many thanks to United Reform Church on Ramsden Street who hosted a Flashback to Jesus day.

Thank you so much to all at the Church who made us so welcome and put so much effort into our day. 

There is a display of what we did in the school hall. 

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Exploding volcanoes

Image of Exploding volcanoes

Year 4 have made volcanoes as part of our mountians topic. We spent time watching them explode this week. The children are bringing them home so if you want to make yours explode all you need is bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. We also added some food colouring to make the larva look real. Have…

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Research the Rainforest

Image of Research the Rainforest

We have been researching for information on the rainforest. Good team work shown and some great things found. We added text and a picture to Microsoft PowerPoint as a cheeky bonus!

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