Making flour, stone age style
We have been exploring Stone Age life by using stone age tools to make flour from oats, it was harder than it looked!
Cake stall
Thank you for all of the cake donations, we had a very successful morning selling cakes and books and have more than enough to run the stall again tomorrow
Measuring feet
We are helping scientisits at the University of Kent to determine whether terrain affects foot flexibility. We spent an afternoon measuring our feet
We have been investigating direction and position and programming robots around a course
We have been investigating symmetry and creating symmetrical patterns
Stone Age offerings
We have been making offerings to the Stone Age water gods and throwing our offerings into the river
Year 1 art exhibition
Thank you to all the parents and friends who made it to our art exhibition this afternoon. The children really enjoyed having visitors to show their work to. In English we have been writing titles, labels and captions for our autumn art work. Please view the rest of the photos in the photo…
Practicing measuring by measuring anything and everything in the classroom
We had a fantastic discussion about living in the Rainforest and how it affects different people and their lives and jobs.
Sports Afternoon
A fantastic afternoon taking part in sports as a whole school