18 September 2019

The circus comes to year 4!

To start our new English book, 'Leon and the Place Between' year 4 came back from playtime to find the circus had arrived! They all needed a ticket to get in and when they entered, the smell of popcorn filled the air! We watched circus tricks, listened to circus music, ate popcorn and start in our…

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18 September 2019

Place value maths

We are learning about place value in maths and enjoyed a range of differentiated activities. We all played spin to win at the end. Year 4 like trying to beat the teacher!!

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5 July 2019

Kepplewray 2019

We had a great time yesterday. We worked together to build crate stacks, some of us did archery. We all went to Coniston in the afternoon and got soaking wet throwing sponges at each other.

More crate stack and archery planned for today and more pictures to follow.

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27 June 2019

Maths Stories

Ira Lightman told us maths stories today.We had a fantastic time and learnt loads!

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17 June 2019

Da Vinci Geometry

We are studying Leonardo Da Vinci this week because it is Science week. This morning we tried to build 3D shapes out of straws and the draw them.

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23 May 2019

Owls 2019

We learnt all about owls this morning

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17 May 2019

Skateboarding 2019

We had a great time skateboarding. We learnt some tricks and had great fun.

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9 May 2019


We learnt how to play KIdditch this morning. We learnt all about bludgers and golden snitches. We played as seekers, chasers and in goal.

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2 May 2019

Painting on the Ceiling

We were inspired by Michelangelo to draw upside down. Lots of us drew turtles (wrong Michaelangelo!)

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21 March 2019

Year 3 and 4 football competition

Congratulations and well done to our year 3 and 4 football team who represented Roose School in a tournament tonight. They played well and got through to the semi-finals. Thank you to our coach Mark Swainson and the staff who attended.

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