30 September 2015

Year 4 Skateboarding

Year 4 had a fantastic time learning skateboarding techniques and tricks!


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25 September 2015

All Dressed Up!

Year four are all dressed up for Dahlicious Dress Up day. Roald Dahl once said, "When you're describing something or someone you can't just choose dull words like beautiful pretty or nice. You must search for meaty and imaginative words."

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14 September 2015

Music with Mr Hindle

Music with Mr Hindle was great we liked all the songs because some of them are funny. Thanks Mr Hindle! 



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10 September 2015

Mrs Nerg

Mrs Nerg is helping us learn about Life Processes

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16 June 2015

A Kenning

Year 3 have started to learn about a poem form called a kenning. Can you guess what animal we are describing?

Back Scratcher
Carpet picker
curtain ripper
fur licker

laser chaser
fat thing
mouse eater
sleepy purrer
poo dropper
fish lover

big, small
bird hunter
string chaser

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22 May 2015

The Sun, our biggest light source

Whilst learning about Light and the Sun, we compared the SUn, Earth and Moon (the green ball is the sun btw)

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29 April 2015

Roman Army

The army have created their shields using collage techniques and seem ready to invade Britannia!

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5 March 2015

World Book Day

We have enjoyed lots of different activites during Book Week 2015. World Book Day saw plenty of characters appear in the Year 3 classroom!

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25 February 2015

Helping the War effort

The children have been looking around the school grounds to find suitable places to grow vegetables for 'Dig for Victory' as part of our World War 2 topic.

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13 February 2015

Chinese New Year

We have looked at different buildings from Chinese culture as part of looking into Chinese New Year.

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4 February 2015


The children are ready to be carted off to the country as part of a nationwide evacuation. The children look unhappy to be leaving their families behind

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30 January 2015

You seem to have a magnetic personality

We have been testing the strength of some magnets by putting pieces of paper between two. How many do you think it was before the magnets were not attracted to each other?

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