Pizza Miles
How far does your pizza travel to get to you?
find out in our Harvest Assembly on Friday.
Farm to Fork
Tesco visited Reception to show them where their food comes from
Forest Schools
Forest Schools made pictures using things we found in the garden.
Blog Squad
Everyone is working hard in Blog Squad to put things on our website.
Drawing Club
We followed step by step instructions to draw these amazing pictures! Then we shaded them to make them stand out.
Poetry Workshop.
Years 3 and 4 listened to the poem Dulce et decorum est and then made tiles using clay.
Dulce et decorum est
Years 3 and 4 worked together this morning to produce clay tiles after listening to the Wilfred Owen poem Dulce et decorum est.
Year 4 are learning to play our Boomwhackers! We can play Twinkle, twinkle little star!
Year 5 visited Dowdales. We had a fantastic Japanese lesson. We sang and learnt some great songs. Our Science lesson involved exploding jelly babies!
Summer Fair
A big thank you to everyone who helped at the Summer Fair and also to everyone who came along and supported us. Watch this space to find out how much was raised.