17 July 2016


We had a great time on our residential. Everyone worked really hard and I was particularly proud of the way many people really pushed themselves!

Check out the news article for photo galleries.

Videos coming soon....

Below you can find some random pictures that don't fit into any of theā€¦

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6 July 2016


We practiced some cricket skills

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29 June 2016

Red Belts

We are all now Karate Red Belts.

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22 June 2016

Ice Cream Monster

Year 6 (and some of the staff) enjoyed ice creams this afternoon.

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16 June 2016

Year 4 at Coffee morning

Year 4 helped out at coffee morning today.

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15 June 2016

Charlotte's web

We are making spider webs out of paper plates and wool.

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14 June 2016

Cyber Coach

Mrs Jacobs has subscribed to a website called Cyber Coach.

We did some brain training this afternoon.

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13 June 2016

Zentangle Workshop

We designed Zentangle tiles. They will be put together to create a fantastic display in the Entrance Hall.

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10 May 2016

Greek Food Tasting

As part of our Geography work on Greece, we had a Greek food tasting session today.

There were some mixed reactions!

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4 May 2016

Investigating Friction

We investigated friction by testing how far a toy car would travel on different surfaces.

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13 April 2016

K Nex

We built windmills in our K Nex workshop this morning.


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