Investigating measures

Image of Investigating measures

We have been investigating mass, capacity and length 

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Time zones

Image of Time zones

Investigating time zones. Combining science, geography and maths. 

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Sorting shapes

Image of Sorting shapes

We have been sorting regular and irregular 2D shapes. 

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Image of Shadows

We are monitoring our shadows over the day to see how far and fast the Earth moves around the Sun. 

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Making predictions

Image of Making predictions

Looking at clues to try and work out what our new book is about. 

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Protractor work

Image of Protractor work

We have been using protractors to measure angles 

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Image of Protractors

Lots of focus learning to use protractors 

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Investigating the surface of Mars

Image of Investigating the surface of Mars

We have been investigating meteorites and how they have formed the surface of Mars.

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Sankey poems

Image of Sankey poems

We have been using text to create poems today.  Please see the pictures of the fun, creativity and mess we have made. 

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Making the solar system

Image of Making the solar system

We have been learning about the solar system and creating posters about the planets 

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Image of Protests

Today we have been discussing protests and thinking about what matters to us. The children are researching and designing their own protests. 

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Sankey poems session 1

Image of Sankey poems session 1

We are working with local poet Kate Smith and Charlotte from the Sankey project. We have done some automatic writing and are working on a poem together. 

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