19 December 2013

Goodbye Mrs Jones

We are very sad that Mrs Jones is leaving us! Good luck Heather, we will miss you!

19 December 2013


This morning we all joined in the Christingle.

18 December 2013

Magical Christmas Music Concert

As usual this year lots of people have been working really hard learning musical instruments. Mrs Burton comes into school each week to work with individual children and small groups. Our concert included children playing recorders, clarinets, the piano, guitars and a flute. The choir sang for us.

3 December 2013

Christmas Boxes

12 November 2013

Children in Need

We celebrated Children in Need today. Pudsey Bear visited us with Belinda from Radio Cumbria and sang a song with the children. We all dressed in our onesies and School Council sold hot chocolate and croissants to raise money. If you listen to Radio Cumbria on Friday you will be able to hear us singing with Pudsey! We're not sure what time it will be on yet but after it's been on you'll be able to get it on the Radio Cumbria iplayer.

10 October 2013

Happy Birthday Mrs Jones!

7 October 2013


Here is our Harvest collection which will go to the Barrow Food Bank.

3 October 2013

Magic Maths

Theatre Production

27 September 2013

Osiligi Warriors!

The Osiligi Warriors come from Kenya and are raising money to improve school life in Kenya. This morning we have enjoyed and joined in with their singing and dancing.

16 July 2013


Zoolab visited school with number of animals and insects that would usually be found in the Rainforest.

16 July 2013

Year 4 Residential

Year 4 visited Kepplewray in Broughton

1 June 2013

Newsletter June 2013