19 June 2014


Meg came in today to talk to us about her Rwandan Project.

16 June 2014

Summer Fair

Rooster's Summer Fair was a great success, watch this space to find out how much was raised.

14 June 2014

Sports Day

Thank you to everyone who came along to support the children on Sports Day.

2 June 2014

Arts Week

The week before half term was arts week.

9 April 2014

Easter Parade

Well done everyone who made a hat or came to school today with Easter hair!

9 April 2014

South Cumbria Music Festival.

On Monday 7th April I represented our school at the South Cumbria Music Festival.

7 April 2014

Enterprise Challenge

Years 4 and 6 took part in the Roose School Enterprise Challenge throughout March.

1 April 2014

Furness Voices

Our choir are at the Forum performing at the Furness Voices vocal show. We will be performing songs from 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' a musical based on Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes. Very excited doesn't really cover it!

24 March 2014

Stig of the Dump

Image Musical Theatre came to school today to perform Stig of the Dump.

28 February 2014

Breakfast Club

Monday to Friday from 7.40-840 am

24 January 2014

SOS lifeboat day

Train one save many. We all wore our trainers and brought in a donation for Rampside lifeboats

19 December 2013

Happy Birthday Mrs Wright