17 May 2016

Reception Class Assembly

Reception will be having their assembly on Friday 20th May 2016 at 2.45 pm We hope parents/carers can attend.

16 May 2016

Open the Book

10 May 2016

Year 4 Assembly Friday 13th May

Please note that there has been a change in dates for class assemblies. Year 4's will take place this week, Friday 13th May at 2.45pm. Year 5 assembly will now take place on Friday 1st July 2016.

26 April 2016

Harmonica Workshops

19 April 2016

Fun Lunch Day

15 April 2016

Goodbye and Good Luck

15 April 2016

Harmonica Workshops

14 April 2016

Sword in the Stone

12 April 2016

Well Done Class 5

11 April 2016

Open the Book